Michael's Cue Bid ----------------- cue bid of opponents suit (Michael's Cue Bid) of a 1) minor: shows both major suits 2) major: shows the other major and a minor Responses by responder are: 1) if weak, responder will pick one of the suits or bid 2NT to find out the other minor 2) if strong responder can cue bid the opponent's suit, jump "raise", or bid 2NT to find out the other minor Examples: Opp You Partner 1C 2C (1) 2H (1) shows Hearts and Spades Opp You Partner 1H 2H (1) 2S (1) shows Spades and a minor Opp You Partner 1H 2H 2NT (1) (1) wants to know which minor ************* The two-suiter overcaller should be either weak (0-12) or strong (17+). With a weak hand, overcaller just passes or shows which minor (to 2NT rebid). With a strong hand, overcaller makes an "odd" rebid (like cue bid again). With 13-16 just bid the two suits. *************